TeamViewer alternative : Source code for sale


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I'm waiting for the beta Testing ???
We are done with the beta testing
We chose 2 users from the forum and 3 testers from our company, we received the testing results and finished the modifications accordingly
Almost 8 days till the released and we are really excited to release this amazing project!


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It's 12 AM and we have been working for almost 18 hours straight on the teamviewer project but i can't go to sleep without showing you guys the new amazing features we have just finished!

Below video contains :
1- Hot Keys
1.1- Opening Start Menu
1.2 Ctrl+Alt+Delete (this should be almost impossible because of the Winlogon and the windows restrictions but never say never )

2- Most important feature : Screen Resolution
We already built the project to dynamically capture the screen, meaning it will set the session resolution according to the internet speed to keep the FPS transfer fast.
BUT we have added an amazing feature which is enabling the user to change the OS screen resolution in case the internet speed is slow or the OS resolution is too high.
As you can see in the video i have a really high resolution monitor (4K dell monitor 24 inch) so changing the resolution will make the session really fast and almost real time.
also the users always love having options to be in complete control .

3- Pausing/Resuming the Session
Sometimes the host has private files , private information, etc... and doesn't want to share that information, so we have created the option to pause the session and once it's paused the client can't control nor see anything unless the host clicks on Resume.

We really really can't wait for the project to be released
Good night guys and see you soon


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@sfsameer I thought something may be that can help you... make it more faster... sometimes the changes of screen (what is displaying) are in a window, or at mouse pointer region...

So you can crop mouse region every 5-10 FPS, then you can crop from 10-25 FPS the window is in front of, then 25-30 FPS (or lower) you can get a full screenshot..

If you understand what i am telling you - this will make your app 3x times faster ! Just think...

For example:

We have many times 1920x1080 diplay
if someone remote open a cmd (command line) --> is about 600x300 window.... if you focus on this / grabbing the action (typing, scrolling of window) and every some ms grab the whole picture will be faster...

It can be an option - what do you think ?


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It's a great idea, we will implement it today
-Select streaming region

Thank you,


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We would like to announce that we have just launched our patreon ! :

1-Teamviewer alternative Add-ons (currently 4 add-one but growing)
2-Every source code we offer (monthly about 3-4 source codes) it's yours

*This is a very big step for us, so your backing up is really appreciated


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A new add on has been created! and it's amazing!

You can control the PC and the Android using any browser (Chrome, Firefox etc...)


Once the host sign in to his account he is able to create a link :
1- This link is hashed (MD5) meaning it's very secured
2- This link is generated per session meaning once it's been used it has to be re-generated or it will never connect (Highly secured) to the previous used link
3- The link is shareable
4- Able to control the Host using a mobile device or a PC/Laptop browsers
5- Most Import feature : because it uses the ability to connect through a web browser to it's the ultimate multi-platform solution

The Latency (Speed) is the same speed of the Android app and the Software.
Speed 20-25 FPS (slow connections)
and 30-45 FPS (fast connections)

This method is created after studying:
1- Chrome Remote Desktop : Control devices using web browsers
2- Console Connection : Use the connection once using the Console connection file.

Add-on name : Browser-Device
Add-on Price : 35$

*If you are interested in buying this add-on please send me a PM here or @ :

We will release the add-on showcase as soon as we release the Project (almost 3 days to go )

Thank you everyone for your amazing support!
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