very often two or three people work on the same project, with the resulting mess when all the corrections then have to be added to the final project, with copy and paste the modified or new lines are added but it's a frenzy. to avoid this you overwrite the entire bas file or read the new code from one part and fix the new one and this is done by only one person while others are developing or improving their source.
I wonder if it is possible to have the possibility in the IDE a system that notifies you of ongoing code changes?
There are many established version control solutions out there such as Git, Mercurial, etc.
Considering them, isn't this a solved problem together with small level of communication within the team? Performing copy/paste of lines seems an absolute waste of time. As does manhandling the codebase by manually merging changes.
By Shahzan If you’re new to the programming world, then learning Git should be something on top of your priority list. Git is one such tool which you will encounter on a day-to-day basis as part of your job. What you can expect in this post In this p...
A friendly introduction to the Mercurial DVCS by Joel Spolsky
(Git is far more popular than Mercurial, but when I started I got to pick what to use and I couldn't wrap my head around Git in an hour. I almost instantly understood Mercurial well enough. So I went with the latter, and haven't regretted it.)