Android Question Teble Class Date Format

Carlos Pizzi

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi there

I'm using "Class Table v1.33"

How do I show data "date" in the following format dd/mm/ yyyy ?

thank you very much

I have the following code

Sub Globals
    Dim TablePedidos As Table   
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)

    TablePedidos.Initialize(Me, "TablePedidos", 4, Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL, True)
    TablePedidos.CellAlignment = Bit.OR(Gravity.LEFT, Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL)
    TablePedidos.HeaderColor = Colors.Blue
    TablePedidos.HeaderTextColor = Colors.Yellow
    TablePedidos.TextColor = Colors.Blue
    TablePedidos.TableColor = Colors.Red
    TablePedidos.RowHeight = 50dip
    TablePedidos.AddToActivity(PanelTPCTabla, 0, 0, PanelTPCTabla.Width, PanelTPCTabla.Height)   
    TablePedidos.MultiSelect = False   
    TablePedidos.LineWidth = 3dip
    TablePedidos.TextSize = 20

    Dim tf() As Typeface
    tf = Array As Typeface(Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD, Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD, Typeface.DEFAULT)

    Dim Query As String
    Query = "select pedidoscabecera.idtransaccion as ID, as Fecha, clientes.razonsocial as Cliente from pedidoscabecera inner join clientes on pedidoscabecera.idcliente=clientes.idcliente"
    TablePedidos.LoadSQLiteDB(Main.SQL1, Query, True)

End Sub


Licensed User
Longtime User
What Klaus is asking you is: What is the date format when saved to the database? Is it mmddyyyy, is it yyyymmdd, is it a long as ticks like: 134258947533, is it something else?
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