Telephony and android 2.3.3 and beyond


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi everyone
As we are all more or less aware, google pretty much screwed up the telephony library by removing some permissions. By doing so, it crippled a lot of apps that used the telephony library.

To redeem themselves, they put the AIDL lib where you can (kinda) re-establish those right.

Has anyone got a version of the telephony working with answering/ending calls?
The answer call lib doesn't work on 2.3.3 and over. Seems to work only with 2.2 an previous versions.

Erel: any views about a new phone lib to include this (and the patch)?

Thank you fellas and happy coding!



Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Erel
All the doco I found is confusing. Seems like people was using an Internal library and as you know that's playing with fire. An surely lots of developers got burnt.
There are heaps of links about answering call but unfortunately all work only up to API 8 that's when google decided to limit the access to the internal libraries.
I found this Broadcaster example but not sure it can work.
What do you reckon?

android - Service and a BroadCastReceiver - Stack Overflow


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