Some comments:
Example on PanelStatus you have a Button on top called lblTabStatus ? Do you need a Button or a Label.
In this Button the text is not displayed correctly on my device.
If you replace it by a Label the text is OK on my device.
This Button covers the whole width, then you have another Button BtnStatusBack at the Left overlapping lblTabStatus !?
As I already told you the TextSize for your Buttons is too big for their height, or the height is too small for their text size.
Buttons and EditText views have a padding (margins at each edge), Labels don't.
I'm afraid that there is another problem.
You don't display the title bar, which means that the screen size is a bit higher, I'm not sure if AutoScale takes this into account.
Attached a small projet showing the problem.
In the picture below you see the effect of the padding.
I remove the padding of btnTest2 in the code and you see the difference.
btnTest3 hase a height of 40dip, the text is displayed correctly for this height.