Text file issue


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[solved] Text file issue

I'm in trouble with writing text files.

I have to get a file similar to "i_want_this.txt", but with the FileWrite function i get "i_have_this.txt"

What type of pagecode or other I have to use to get the "i_want_this.txt" file?

There is something to set? There is some library to use?

Someone can help me, please?



  • i_have_this.txt
    19 bytes · Views: 220
  • i_want_this.txt
    30 bytes · Views: 194
Last edited:


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Hi pixelfabrica,

see the FilePut function in Main Help or WriteString in BinaryFile.

Best Regards,



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Hello Massimo,
I've used WriteString passing in constructor both UTF-8 and UTF-16 integer buth results are very strange, and doesn't give me the requested file.

I think (but this is my opinion) that the file "i_want_this.txt" is in Unicode (UTF-16), while "i_have_this.txt" is UTF-8.

Someone can confirm or negate my think?


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I'll try again with Writestring.
I'll build a simple app that loop with all the code page available for the constructor to see if there is a way to accomplish this.


B4X founder
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Do you want to encode it in UTF16?
If yes then you should use BinaryFile.New2 with code page 1200.
Then you should convert the string to bytes with BinaryFile.StringToBytes. The last step is to write the bytes with WriteBytes.
You should not use BinaryFile.WriteString as it adds the string length as a prefix.

Edit: Once again, I've wrote this post before reading your previous two...


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I've tried and this is the result (attached file).

What do you think about that?

Is the carriage return (or LF) missing?
If I do a binary compare, I see differences at the beginning of file with the "i_want_this.txt" file.


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I see two differences:
- utf16.txt is missing the UTF16 BOM. You should write the following two bytes at the beginning of the file: 255, 254.
- utf16.txt is missing the last chr(10) character. I think that it is LF but it doesn't really matter.
Ok, good.
So how can I add the two bytes at the beginning and the chr(10) at the end of the file?

With StringToBytes?


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I've used this function

    bf.New2(c1, 1200)
    ' Write BOM
    ' Scansiona ogni riga della tabella
    For i = 0 To (tbEditor.RowCount-1)
        ' Recupera la word
        strStringa = tbEditor.Cell("Word", i) & " "
        strStringa = strStringa & tbEditor.Cell("Priority", i)
        ' Create buffer
        buffer() = bf.StringToBytes(strStringa)
        ' Write buffer
    Next i


but the result file is different from the "i_want_you.txt"
Now they have the same size but a binary compare shows their differencies...


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Yes, sure, sorry for this!

I've misplaced the instruction!

Now, it works!

Thank you very much, Erel!
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