Hi, I have an app on B4X installing on an iPhone 8 everything is good, but when I install it on an iPad Mini 4, the text isn`t resizing? What should I be doing to get B4i to resize text for larger screens?
FYI, Installing the same B4X code onto Android (Samsung S9 & Tab 6) there is no problem, the text resizes...?
The text is a custom font, displayed in labels. Label position is controlled by anchors, (e.g. image width will fill the screen) and where I needed by Designer Script (as shown). 'Adjust to fit' is ticked in the Designer. I don`t currently have any script/code to change font size, is it needed?
So I may have just answered my own question, is this caused because I`m using custom fonts, and I`m setting a size for them?
How do I work around that, set the font height as a %?
AutoScaleAll will slightly resize the text when the screen size is larger than the chosen variant.
There is no reason for the text size to be resized too much when viewing it on a larger screen. I'm using a 42'' monitor and the text size is the same as on a 14'' monitor.
I have tried using DIp but doesn`t help, I need the text to change size as the image is bigger on larger screens and it's to duplicate the face of a smartwatch.
So everything needs to scale the same so it looks right.