It would be great if there would be a new module purely for texts.
I provide templates to users, and so I could put information and howtos directly in the sources. And i dont need to setup a own wiki online for that.
It would be great if markup languages like Markdown or BBcode would be supported with clickable links to codelines in other modules.
This is an interesting topic for me, but I'm not sure I understand how you mean. Could you explain more by perhaps adding workflow, screenshots, use cases or the like?
On one hand it sounds like you're requesting a function for bbcode (or some view like it) to be able to render markdown etc. On the other hand it sounds like you want the IDE to be able to parse markdown (etc). So I'm not entirely sure what you're wishing for.
Sub Process_Globals
End Sub
#if excluded
Write anything you like here.
You can also put links:
Or internal links:
'very important sub: ide://goto?Module=B4XMainPage&Sub=Button1_Click
#End If
I know i could use comments. But would be great if we can format it or adding pictures, otherwise a complete instruction can be very hard to read.
So if i release a templeteor a sourcecode, i can explain everything in the sources nicely
I know i could use comments. But would be great if we can format it or adding pictures, otherwise a complete instruction can be very hard to read.
So if i release a templeteor a sourcecode, i can explain everything in the sources nicely