If I remember correctly, B4XFloatTextField will remove the border from the base panel. If so then either add it programmatically: TextField.mBaseSetColorAndBorder, or put it in a panel with border.
The Sub SetBackgroundTintList(View As View,Active As Int, Enabled As Int)
expecting a View not a B4XFloatTextField and i cant declare it as B4XView so i cant use it to make underneath line as transparent. Any other solution for B4XFloatTextField ?
TextField.mBase.SetColorAndBorder works as expected only for base panel.
Note that if it is a password field and you haven't removed the reveal button then you need to handle the PasswordRevealChanged event and do it again as the native text field is recreated.
Thank you both. Now it works perfect and i tested the code below which is working as well
Sub SetTextfields
For Each v As View In Root.GetAllViewsRecursive
If v Is EditText Then
B4XPages.MainPage.SetBackgroundTintList(v, Colors.Transparent, Colors.Transparent)
End If
End Sub
Thank you very much both and i wish you happy and covid free new year.