Sure, it's possible.
The most logical thing to do would be to catch this with the KeyPress event. There's a problem, though - the KeyPress event gets raised *before* the key you pressed actually gets added to the textbox. At least that's the behavior on my desktop and device.
So I've been using a little workaround that involves a timer. Create your form, textbox1, textbox2, and timer1.
In AppStart:
timer1.interval = 100 ' thats 100 milliseconds
timer1.enabled = false
and then:
sub textbox1_KeyPress( key )
timer1.enabled = true
end sub
sub timer1_Tick
if StrLength( textbox1.text) >= 2 then textbox2.Focus
timer1.enabled = false
end sub
It comes close to a cheezy hack, but hey, it works for me.