Hi to all,
I can not find any example if is posible to create a baloon message (helper) for textfield in B4J project... Any idea how to create baloon which will help users to understand what is expected input? Like on this example:
Hi, there - do you want this balloon automatically shows at when focus... or when pressing some info button ?
I didn't search the forum if there is a ready - but I think will be easy to create it..
- Creating a pane over all the textfields... visible false... creating a balloon like and a label...
- and when getting focus change label text and visible true pane with balloon (with a timer or by clicking on it will disappear)... also the position will be the position of field you wanna show on it...
It is based on BCTextEngine and it supports rich strings set with BBCode: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-bctextengine-bbcodeview-text-engine-bbcode-parser-rich-text-view.106207/#content
Hi, this small code snippet adds a ToolTipText to an ImageView - as currently not exposed. 'Add a tooltip to an ImageView 'JavaFX API Reference: http://download.java.net/jdk8/jfxdocs/javafx/scene/control/Tooltip.html Sub ToolTipToImageView(iv As ImageView, msg As String) Dim joToolTip As...
It is based on BCTextEngine and it supports rich strings set with BBCode: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-bctextengine-bbcodeview-text-engine-bbcode-parser-rich-text-view.106207/#content
Hi, this small code snippet adds a ToolTipText to an ImageView - as currently not exposed. 'Add a tooltip to an ImageView 'JavaFX API Reference: http://download.java.net/jdk8/jfxdocs/javafx/scene/control/Tooltip.html Sub ToolTipToImageView(iv As ImageView, msg As String) Dim joToolTip As...