If it wasnt for Dropbox, I would be literally crying right now.
I had left my windows in hibernate mode as I was installing Syncfusion Community Enterprise Edition. This seemed to be taking forever. I was at 83% then. I fire up B4J and open my favourate project and as I was changing a few bits of lines, my computer freezes.
7 hours ago I had double clicked my drop box taskbar link to save all my work to the cloud. By default my dropbox is disabled from starting when my laptop starts. #dataMustFall, a South African Campain.
Anyway, after the freeze, boom, blue screen of death. "Your computer has run into system problems, we will reboot it for you....", I start to worry. After a while its back on. Syncfusion asks me for my email and password and I now know that this will start from the beginning again.
I fire up BJ4, some prompts appear and I realize that the ini file has been done. Indeed I have to Configure Paths again. I finalize that, close it and start it again, everything seems normal.
I fire up my favourate project and as we say here now when something has disappeared or is unknown, "dololo". Kapish! Project file gone, corrupted with NULL values. Error is some keys not being found. The file size is 488KB but there is nothing on the file except NULL values.
I was starting to panick, then I remembered that dropbox is offline and then my last saved changes will be there. I fire up my browser, log into my account, go to my projects, download my b4j project and place it back to the original location. Whalla!
Thank you Dropbox!
Now for this B4J issue. I really dont know what happens, its like your b4j file is loaded into memory and saved perhaps with every keystroke you make. If the ish hits the fan you are done, just like my case here. This is the second time this happens to me but the last time I had to reverse engineer my java code and rewrote some of the missing pieces. Something should give...
Backup, backup, backup!!!