Anyone can check with app has native lib (has some .so files in library). I check with local apk test is ok, but when upload as aab and sign new way,and download app from Google Play to test it, these library is error (UnsatisfiedLinkError )
AAB is better than APK is for native lib , but now i has this error, i think has some problems here...
p/s: now i can update new aab without
#SignKeyAlgorithm: -digestalg SHA-256 -sigalg SHA256withRSA
(early version i use it to fix can not upload aab , but new version i can upload without it)
I will wait for review and test if native lib can work can cofirm it! Thank you
Edit new:
After live on Google play, aab with native library will crash
Continue edit: may be relinker library used by B4XGifView make this problem, i will remove it from my app and try again!
===> Relinker aar make our library crashs , not related with signed AAB
Now can use without #SignKeyAlgorithm: -digestalg SHA-256 -sigalg SHA256withRSA too, Google already allow it!