when I read a text file and split it to separated words, I found that the String length for the first word increases by one the number of letters.
for example if the first line is:
The changing of the seasons is caused by the changing position of the Earth in relation to the Sun.
The problem is that the file has the BOM characters at the beginning!
These are added if you save a file with UTF-8 encoding in Windows.
Attached the same text file saved without BOM with Notepad++.
Complete code that also removes the BOM character:
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
For Each line As String In File.ReadList(File.DirAssets, "rtf1.txt")
If line.StartsWith(Chr(0xFEFF)) Then line = line.SubString(1)
Dim ls1 As List = Regex.Split(" ", line)
For Each s As String In ls1
Log(s & CRLF & s.Length)
End Sub
Note that you should never use TextReader (or TextWriter) unless you need to read a non UTF8 file.