The height of 100%y is including the system bar height


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The height of 100%y is including the system bar height
just after compiling or sometimes just after wake up if the activity screen is display directly by program (not invoke thru the application icon on the desktop)
At normal situation there is no problem.
First I thought it only happen on my project.
After trying several sample that use the 100%y height the problem still recurring.
e.g. the screen capture is from GestureDetector Sample.
Any solution?


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  • Screen1.png
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Thank you for your prompt reply as always
In the above sample (GestureDetector Sample) yes that is the only activity and there is no designer object.
In my project there are many activity, class etc. that is why I did not report it earlier, I thought is pertinent to my project.
After I try several sample that use the 100%y the problem recurring.


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To simulate the problem, I try to make simple test.

Let the tab on lock/sleep position.
Compile the sample.
Unlock the screen
It should be like the screen capture in #1

That sample answer why if the application wake up the screen the same problem occurred.


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Samsung Galaxy Tab II 7 GT-P3110 (wifi only) - Jelly Bean 4.1.1
If you can not reproduce it just ignore it. I overcome it by using big button or label on the bottom of the screen for a screen that invoke by the program on wake up.
Thanks for your support.


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I'm unable to reproduce it. Which device are you using?

I think you can reproduce this with daydream. I noticed a similar "problem" some time ago.

Configure Daydream on your device so that it shows the clock. If the daydream clock is active and you compile a program and deploy it to the device while daydream is active, then you will have the effect that 100%y is the full screen height without status bar. When you then tap on the screen to disable daydream the statusbar gets visible again but the activity of the b4a app is not refreshed and so you have wrong sizes in the activity.

Hope my explanation is understandable.


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I never test it in landscape mode.
But after I test it, yes you are right, the same problem happened in landscape mode. So it seem the problem is the same with the other thread.
I apologize to make a new thread for the same problem. I have try to search but I can not found it.
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I am having this issue I believe. In my designer script, I am using 100%y, but the status bar on my tablet is covering the bottom portion of it.

I am using 2.70. Do I need to purchase the new version to fix this or, is there a workaround?


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I am having this issue I believe. In my designer script, I am using 100%y, but the status bar on my tablet is covering the bottom portion of it.

I am using 2.70. Do I need to purchase the new version to fix this or, is there a workaround?

Sorry version 2.52


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There is a problem with the height in apps that combine both full screen activities and non-full screen activities. It is related to a bug (or problematic design) of Android itself. It was not fixed.
Hi Erel,
I have try with V 3.0 and the problem still exists. Actually I am wating for other to comments.
But thanks for your information. Is there any work around?


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As I wrote, it is not fixed.

Hi Erel. Today this problem is fixed? i'm using the v5.02(1) and in all my Activities are set:

#Region  Activity Attributes
    #FullScreen: False
    #IncludeTitle: False
#End Region

But, when i load a black layout made in designer (100%x / 100%y) in a Holo Light theme i still get a white block at bottom (real device Motorola E)


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Are you sure that you've set these attributes in all activities? Can you upload this project?

Yeah, i'm 100% sure. In both... code and designer... i can't upload the project because requires a development board to run.


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If you can please try to reproduce it in a simple project.

Sorry Erel that's not a bug. I build a drawer in Activity_Create with MSMaterialDrawer that causes the issue.

When i remove the MSMaterialDrawer all works ok.

Looks like MSMaterialDrawer eat the height of notification bar when #IncludeTitle: is False

Dim pnlHdr As Panel
    pnlHdr.Color = Colors.DarkGray
    pnlHdr.Tag = "Header"
    Dim MSP1 As MSProfile
    Dim PDB1 As BitmapDrawable : PDB1.Initialize(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"profile3.jpg"))
    Dim MSP2 As MSProfile
    Dim PDB2 As BitmapDrawable : PDB2.Initialize(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"app.png"))
    Dim Profiles(2) As MSProfile
    Profiles(0) = MSP1
    Profiles(1) = MSP2
    Dim msa As MSAccountHeaderBuilder
    Dim HeaderBackground As BitmapDrawable
    Dim MaterialHeaderResult As Object =
    Dim icon_notification, icon_settings, icon_home, icon_help, icon_security, icon_speak As BitmapDrawable
    MDB.AddPrimaryDrawerItem  ("Inicio"           , icon_home          , Null ,""    ,True, 1, "")
    MDB.AddPrimaryDrawerItem  ("Notificaciones"  , icon_notification , Null ,"4"   ,True, 2, "Ver más...")
    MDB.AddPrimaryDrawerItem  ("Seguridad"          , icon_security      , Null ,"Desarmada"   ,True, 3, "")
    'MDB.AddSectionDrawerItem  ("Asistente"       ,True)
    MDB.AddSecondaryDrawerItem("Configuración"   , icon_settings      , Null ,""    ,True ,4)
    MDB.AddSecondaryDrawerItem("Voz"               , icon_speak          , Null ,""    ,True ,5)
    MDB.AddSecondaryDrawerItem("Ayuda"             , icon_help         , Null ,""    ,True ,6)

    MD = MDB.Build

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