I'm selling some of my app's source codes.
Apps are both for ios and Android. ios apps are now published and the last one is waiting for review.
All apps prices are $40. Most of codes are in English.
1)- Unlu bulma oyunu ( Guess the celebrity game ) -ios
Player status is saved in game. Game starts as your last status.( letters, money, level)
iadmob interstitial embedded
2)- Kelime oyunu (Word game) -ios
(Text Twist game)
iadmob interstitial embedded
3)- Easy Paper Skecth -ios
Extra image processing. I used libzoom class provided by
@narek adonts. Thank you
@narek adonts.
- Take photo by camera.
- Load picture from albums
- Image zoom, pinch and pan, rotate, grayscale, transparency effects.
- iadmob interstitial embedded
4)- Find the Picture Quiz (waiting for review on app store) -ios
- Multi-language support. App is currently in 7 languages. (English, Deutsch, French, Turkish, Spanish, Dutch and Portugese)
- Save player status (letters, money, level)
- iadmob interstitial and banner embedded
Android games are not published because of my account banned. I haven't got a new account yet. My GP accound has suspended for three reason :
1- Malware found in my one app.
2- My first app, flappy bird's package name.
3- Pictures in the celebrity game.
5)- Kelime oyunu (Word game) -Android
(Text Twist game)
Same as Word game above. This is for Android.
admob embedded
6)- Guess the Mark Quiz - Android
Similar to Guess the celebrity game.
admob embedded