Android Question the simplest example of connecting to a remote table (reading, saving, updating, deleting data) for a beginner

Thanks to the creators of B4A! I'm a beginner, but I can already create simple Android applications. Please tell me, is the example of direct connection to a remote database working for today? For personal needs, I need a direct connection to a remote database. I did everything according to the instructions, but I get the answer: Completed. Success: false

Connects to the server, but does not load the table

Recommend the simplest example of connecting to a remote table (reading, saving, updating, deleting data) for a beginner.

Sorry for the stupid question. Thank you very much! Good luck to everyone!



Licensed User
Longtime User
Please use the < / > button to add your code.

Your JdbcUrl maybe wrong.
You need to put "/<your database name>" at the end.
Private jdbcUrl As String = "jdbc:mysql://"
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Thank you very much. Everything is working!!! I'm really grateful to you! Good luck with your projects!!!
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Licensed User
Longtime User
It is recommended to use jRDC2 server. Try do a search, there are many examples. I also have created a template for server and client.

You can also use PHP web service.

Another option is to use my Web API Template. B4X Client app also available. But this may be more advanced.

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Thanks a lot! I’m already studying examples of how JRDC2 works, but it’s not clear to me how the server and client work. Where should the server be located? How to enable it? First I will teach the basics of how the server works. Thanks for your template options! Sorry for the English, I'm writing with a translator!
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