Bug? the tool tip comes over all windows and sometimes it remains there


Licensed User
Longtime User
The tool tip comes over all windows (see image) and sometimes it remains there i.e. does not close automatically.

I understand that it happens due to fast moving of mouse or something.
The problem is no matter what I do, click here and there, it does not close and block view of part of all open windows.

Is there any method/option to close it, other than closing B4A ? (which I have to do now).




Licensed User
Longtime User
This happens me too now and then. I can always get rid of it my mousing over the area that triggered it and then mousing away. I imagine that perhaps a mouse-out event is missed somewhere, somehow.


Licensed User
Longtime User
I find it barely worth reporting. I mean, I imagine Erel sees it now and then too, so he knows about it and probably will fix it at some point. I prefer if he spends his time advancing the B4X universe instead of hunting down bugs that I can work around with a flick of my wrist.
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