Android Question Themes/Resource not found?

W. Graf

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Up to now, I didn't know, that this setting exists in manifest-file: CreateResourceFromFile()
I only noticed it, since I'm getting an error during compilation for new projects, which I startet in B4A 8.0.

Where can I get these themes?
Following sitations:

CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, Themes.DarkTheme) -> it seems, that this is the default-setting on new projects?
Result: res\values-v20\theme.xml:3: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name '@android:style/Theme.Material'.

CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, Themes.LightTheme)
Result: res\values-v20\theme.xml:3: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name '@android:style/Theme.Material.Light'.

CreateResourceFromFile(Macro, Themes.Holo)
Result: File not found: Holo.b4x_excluded

No CreateResourceFromFile()
: no error

I'm creating apps, which have to run on Android 4.3.x systems. So the "Holo"-Theme would be interesting for me too. But what I have to install, that B4A find the necessary resource-files?
Is it a missing SDK? I've installed components of: API18, API23, API26
(But I didn't installed all components of the APIs).

I saw, that other users had similar Problems with "firebaseAds"-Themes. Maybe a similar reason?

Thank you very much!
Best regards,

W. Graf

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Longtime User
Unfortunaly I can't use the B4A SDK Manager, because my PC is a corporate device, which is going through a proxy-Server (which needs authentication).
The Android SDK Manager is able to go through the Proxy (menu Tools - Options) and then I can enter my credentials and download the SDK list.
B4A SDK Manager only Returns:
error: Failed to connect to
I cannot enter a proxy-Server + port....

Is using the B4A SDK Manager the only solution for this problem?

Thank you!
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W. Graf

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Longtime User
Thank you very much, DonManfred!

I think, I was blind.:)

The Problem is, that I have to authenticate (with Domain user and Password) on the proxy. The Android SDK Manager opens a window, where you can enter the credentials. In B4A SDK Manager I only get the error message:
Using proxy:
error: Failed to authenticate with Proxy

I've already many components installed and up to now, I could work with These components. Only the resource/themes is making troubles ...
I only need to know, which component I have to install? Where are the themes included?
For example: I have some old APIs installed, because I want to develop apps for Android 4.3.1-devices. Is it possible, that this is the reason?
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