iOS Question There was an error importing this build.


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I uploaded my first build to iTunes successfully yesterday for a new app. Found a bug in my code and tried to upload a new build. I use Hosted build and the built-in upload function in B4i.

I have tried three times now and each time I get a failure of the from the "Processing" step of "There was an error importing this build." This happens after being stuck in the Processing step for several hours.

I was using 2.30 for the first successful upload but have upgraded today to 2.51 after the second failure to see if that would fix the problem with no success with the third try.

This means I can no longer upload apps to iTunes after having done this for over a year now. I have never seen a failure in the "Processing" step before. Is this an iTunes problem or something I can fix in B4i?


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Apple either fixed their bug or I just got lucky on my fourth attempt at upload my app to iConnect.
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