"Thinking" about artificial intelligence.


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I was thinking that it might be useful to have a "word processor" in which you could select a word and by pressing a combination of keys, N synonyms were shown (I was watching a sit-com in which a teacher resigned to try to become a writer).

Next idea: select an entire paragraph and ask the AI (chatGPT 3.5) to change it to be more comedic, or more dramatic, or more violent, or...

I experimented with a paragraph that was too short (note: I wrote in Italian, on ChatGPT; here the text is translated); anyway, here are the first results:

My sentence:

"Un tempo, quando ero giovane, tutto era diverso. Forse non era migliore, forse mi piaceva tutto di più proprio perché ero giovane."
"Once upon a time, when I was young, everything was different. Maybe it wasn't better, maybe I liked everything better precisely because I was young."

Cambiala in modo che sia più comica.
Change it to be more comical.

"Era una volta, quando ero giovane e l'erba sembrava più verde... probabilmente perché avevo perso gli occhiali e non riuscivo a vederla!"
"Once upon a time, when I was young and the grass seemed greener... probably because I lost my glasses and couldn't see it!"

(try again)

"Un tempo, quando ero giovane, tutto sembrava più divertente. Forse perché ero così ingenuo che pensavo che i broccoli fossero alberi di cioccolato e il dentista un mago in pensione!"
"Once upon a time, when I was young, everything seemed funnier. Maybe because I was so naive that I thought broccoli was chocolate trees and the dentist was a retired magician!"

These are only the very first tests. It's stupid but maybe...!

Same phrase: "Make it dramatic"

"Un tempo, quando ero giovane, tutto aveva un'aura di magia. Ora guardo indietro e vedo solo un'ombra di ciò che era, un'eco lontana di gioia. Forse non era migliore, forse mi illudevo solo perché ero giovane e non sapevo quanto presto avrei perso tutto."
"Once upon a time, when I was young, everything had an aura of magic. Now I look back and see only a shadow of what it was, a distant echo of joy. Maybe it wasn't better, maybe I was deluding myself just because I was young and I didn't know how soon I would lose everything."

Modifica la mia frase in modo tale che essa diventi violenta.
Edit my sentence in such a way that it becomes violent.

"Un tempo, quando ero giovane, tutto era un campo di battaglia. Ogni giorno era una lotta per la sopravvivenza, dove le cicatrici diventavano la mia carta d'identità. Forse non era migliore, forse mi piaceva solo perché ero abituato alla violenza, al sangue e al dolore."
"Once upon a time, when I was young, everything was a battlefield. Every day was a fight for survival, where the scars became my identity card. Maybe it wasn't better, maybe I just liked it because I was used to violence, to blood and pain."
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I guess one could still try and put 100 Chimpanzees each with a typewriter (wordprocessor), in a room, for a month, and at least one might write a Shakespearean sonnet or play. If you find books written by surrealist writers you would think you are in the AI world with some of them.......


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Longtime User
In short, artificial intelligence could be very useful for writers; but today no one reads books anymore! ?

Today with AI, you can open a legal advicor office, a doctor's office, an art studio and you can draw original master piece and print it on canvas, write a novel, a degree thesis.. you name it.. but you will not find any customer for any of these businesses, becaue everyone will be a lawyer, a doctor, an srtist. a cook... and a B4A programmer

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