I need a library for B4A.
Thanks.Check the documentation on how (in which order) you need to call commands. As i do not have such a printer i can not provide an Example.
But should be easy to create.
Note that you need special permissions for this Printer (see Documentation).
Author: DonManfred
Version: 0.01
- ZQPrinterSDK
- Functions:
- bar_Barcode (nX As Int, nY As Int, strCodeType As String, nHeight As Int, nReadable As Int, nRotation As Int, nNarrow As Int, nWide As Int, strCode As String) As Int
- bar_Bitmap (nX As Int, nY As Int, nMode As Int, strFileName As String) As Int
- bar_Bitmap2 (nX As Int, nY As Int, nMode As Int, bitmap As Bitmap) As Int
- bar_DownloadBAS (strFileName As String, strContent As String) As Int
- bar_DownloadFile (strFileName As String, strLocalFileName As String) As Int
- bar_DrawBar (nX As Int, nY As Int, nWidth As Int, nHeight As Int) As Int
- bar_DrawBox (nXStart As Int, nYStart As Int, nXEnd As Int, nYEnd As Int, nThickness As Int) As Int
- bar_KillFile (strFileName As String) As Int
- bar_Print (nSets As Int, nCopies As Int) As Int
- bar_PrintCounter (nX As Int, nY As Int, strFontName As String, nRotation As Int, nXMulti As Int, nYMulti As Int, nCounter As Int)
- bar_PutPCX (nX As Int, nY As Int, strFileName As String) As Int
- bar_QRCode (nX As Int, nY As Int, nWidth As Int, nHeight As Int, strCode As String) As Int
- bar_QRCode2 (nX As Int, nY As Int, nWidth As Int, nHeight As Int, strCode As String, markBMP As Bitmap) As Int
- bar_RunFile (strFileName As String) As Int
- bar_SetBline (dHeight As Double, dExtra As Double, nUnit As Int) As Int
- bar_SetCharacterSet (strCode As String) As Int
- bar_SetCounter (n As Int, nStep As Int, strExp As String) As Int
- bar_SetDensity (nDensity As Int) As Int
- bar_SetDirection (nDirection As Int, nMirror As Int) As Int
- bar_SetGap (dDst As Double, dOffset As Double, nUnit As Int) As Int
- bar_SetOffset (dOffset As Double, nUnit As Int) As Int
- bar_SetPeel (bFlag As Boolean) As Int
- bar_SetReverse (nX As Int, nY As Int, nWidth As Int, nHeight As Int) As Int
- bar_SetShift (nShift As Int) As Int
- bar_SetSize (dWidth As Double, dHeight As Double, nUnit As Int) As Int
- bar_SetSpeed (nSpeed As Int) As Int
- bar_Text (nX As Int, nY As Int, strFontName As String, nRotation As Int, nXMulti As Int, nYMulti As Int, strContent As String) As Int
- EnableBLE (enable As Boolean)
- finalize
- Initialize (EventName As String)
- lbl_AddLabelCommand (strCmd As String)
- lbl_DrawInverseLine (x0 As Int, y0 As Int, x1 As Int, y1 As Int)
- lbl_DrawLine (lineWidth As Int, x0 As Int, y0 As Int, x1 As Int, y1 As Int)
- lbl_DrawText (x As Int, y As Int, text As String, fontName As String, fontsize As Int, rotate As Int, bold As Int, underline As Int, reverse As Int)
- lbl_DrawWatermark (x As Int, y As Int, text As String, fontName As String, fontsize As Int, rotate As Int, pattern As Int, gray As Int)
- lbl_PageClear
- lbl_PagePrint (rotate As Int) As Int
- lbl_PageSetup (h As Int, w As Int)
- lbl_PrintBitmap (startx As Int, starty As Int, bmp As Bitmap)
- lbl_PrinterStatus As Int
- lbl_PrinterStop As Int
- Prn_BeginTransaction As Int
- Prn_Connect (strAddr As String) As Int
- Prn_CutPaper As Int
- Prn_CutPaper2 (nCutMode As Int) As Int
- Prn_Disconnect As Int
- Prn_EndTransaction As Int
- Prn_GetMsrTrack (Track As Int, Timeout As Int) As Byte()
- Prn_GetPortList (nPortType As Int) As String()
- Prn_LineFeed (nLine As Int) As Int
- Prn_MarkFeed As Int
- Prn_OpenCashbox As Int
- Prn_OpenCashbox2 (iWitch As Int) As Int
- Prn_PowerStatus As Int
- Prn_PrintBarcode (strBarcode As String, Symbology As Int, Height As Int, Width As Int, TextPosition As Int) As Int
- Prn_PrintBitmap (image As Bitmap, Type As Int) As Int
- Prn_PrintBitmap1B2A (arg0 As Bitmap, arg1 As Int) As Int
- Prn_PrintBMP (strFileName As String, Type As Int) As Int
- Prn_PrinterInit As Int
- Prn_PrintEscText (strPrint As String) As Int
- Prn_PrintQRCode (nMode As Int, strCode As String) As Int
- Prn_PrintString (strPrint As String) As Int
- Prn_PrintText (Data As String, Alignment As Int, Attribute As Int, TextSize As Int) As Int
- Prn_ReadData (bytes As Byte(), length As Int, timeout As Int) As Int
- Prn_SendData (arg0 As Byte()) As Int
- Prn_SendData2 (arg0 As Byte(), length As Int) As Int
- Prn_SetAlignment (nAlignment As Int) As Int
- Prn_SetFontSize (nSize As Int) As Int
- Prn_SetFontStyle (nStyle As Int) As Int
- Prn_SetInterCharacterSet (Value As Int) As Int
- Prn_SetLineSpacing (nSpace As Int) As Int
- Prn_Status As Int
- SDK_GetVersion As String
- SDK_SendData (arg0 As Byte()) As Int
- SetCharacterSet (strCode As String) As Int
- SetPortParam (arg0 As Int, arg1 As String)
Please create a new Thread in the questionsforum for any Issue you have.
Start with Bluetoothadmin tutorial (permissions and to find the mac.)But he has difficulties connecting the printer.
yesVia "donate"?
z.Prn_Connect ("88:4A:EA:94:7E:4B")
' or
z.Prn_Connect ("884AEA947E4B")
Not really my Problem. ;-)I need to print to this printer model urgently.
Is the problem in the library?
Did you do this first? Are you using this in an Activity or a Service?
- Initialize (EventName As String)
From the documentation (you really should read it)Syntax for connecting to the mac:
z.Prn_Connect ("88: 4A: EA: 94: 7E: 4B")
Syntax used for name and speed connection:
z.Prn_Connect ("AB-342M: 9600")
Both options return the same error
Did you and/or @saaevr get it working?I need to use a thermal printer (bluetooth) from my smartphone
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