Sub GetAtomTime
If mBBL.IsInternetConnected Then
Dim args(0) As Object
Thread1.Start(Me, "Get_Current_Time", args)
End If
End Sub
Sub Get_Current_Time
Dim str() As String = Regex.Split("—", Starter.manager.getString("lstTimeServer"))
Dim TimeServer As String = str(1).Trim
' Log("TimeServer=" & TimeServer)
sntp.NtpServerName = TimeServer ' only needed if you don't want to use the default server ""
sntp.TimeOut = 10000 ' only needed if you don't want to use the default timeout value of 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds)
sntpticks = sntp.getGmtNtpTime
End Sub
Sub Thread1_Ended(endedOK As Boolean, error As String) 'The thread has terminated. If endedOK is False error holds the reason for failure
Dim args(0) As Object
' to perfom giu-actions directly after receiving the time
' we have to do this with the help of a separate gui-thread
Log("endedOK=" & endedOK & " ;error=" & error)
Thread2.RunOnGuiThread("Show_Results", args)
End Sub