i am using thread in my poject. but there is some warning in my code. i dont know why:
Main - 29: Variable 't1' was not initialized. (warning #11)
Main - 57: Sub 'count' is not used. (warning #12)
Main - 66: Sub 'show' is not used. (warning #12)
but i initialized t1 and also, i am using sub 'show' and sub 'count' in my project.
project code is attached below.
t1.initialise NOT t1.initialize
BUT, i am using a course that uses B4A version 5.2 and my B4A version is 10.5. in 5.2 version, that program works correctly.
so can you tell me what is my problem, please?
Not an error. Note the spelling of Thread.Initialise (I'm British and I wrote the Threading library - that's how proper English spells it but the IDE doesn't know this )
OK. so i find that my code is not incorrect. but as you see in my project above, when we press "btnthread" in the designer window, "lblthread" in front of btn, thread must count numbers from 1 to 100. but it does not work. i dont know what is the problem?
What does "not work" mean? It works fine for me. It counts from 1 to 100 and stops. Note that you must run in release mode - debug mode does not work with threads.