Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
Dim Thread1 As Thread
Dim Thread2 As Thread
Dim Lock1 As Lock
Dim Lock2 As Lock
Dim end1 As Int
Dim ok As Boolean
Dim msg As String
End Sub
Sub Globals
'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
Dim btnStart As Button
Dim btnStatus As Button
Dim btnStop As Button
Dim btnError As Button
Dim EditText1 As EditText
Dim EditText2 As EditText
Dim ProgressBar1 As ProgressBar
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
If FirstTime Then
End If
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub ThreadSub1
end1 = 0
Dim Count As Int
Dim Params(1) As Object
Do While Count < 1000
Count = Count + 1
Params(0) = Count
end1 = Count
ok = False
Do Until ok
' this is because Android seems to lose the run message if the user presses back button
' this way no message will be ignored
Thread1.RunOnGuiThread("Update1", Params)
ok = Lock1.WaitFor(1000)
End Sub
Sub Update1(count As Int)
EditText1.Text = count
End Sub
Sub Thread1_Ended(fail As Boolean, error As String) 'An error or Exception has occurred in the Thread
Msgbox(error, "Thread1 Ended")
End Sub
Sub ThreadSub2
Dim Count As Int
Dim Params(1) As Object
Do While Count < 1000
' instead of locking like Thread1 we could crudely just wait for the GUI to update
' some messages may be lost but this may not matter in some applications
Count = Count + 1
Params(0) = Count
Thread2.RunOnGuiThread("Update2", Params)
End Sub
Sub Update2(count As Int)
EditText2.Text = count
ProgressBar1.Progress = count /10
End Sub
Sub Thread2_Ended(fail As Boolean, error As String) 'An error or Exception has occurred in the Thread
Msgbox(error, "Thread2 Ended")
End Sub
Sub btnStart_Click
Dim args(0) As Object
EditText1.Text = 0
EditText2.Text = 0
Thread1.Name = "B4A Thread 1"
Thread2.Name = "B4A Thread 2"
Thread1.Start(Null, "ThreadSub1", args)
Thread2.Start(Null, "ThreadSub2", args)
End Sub
Sub btnStatus_Click
msg = "Lock1 : " & Lock1.LockState & " " & Thread1.Error & CRLF
msg = msg & "Lock2 : " & Lock2.LockState & " " & Thread2.Error & CRLF
Msgbox(msg, "Threading v" & NumberFormat2(Lock1.Version, 1, 1, 1, False))
End Sub
Sub btnStop_Click
End Sub
Sub btnError_Click
Dim Ex As ExceptionEx
File.OpenInput("Non-existent", "file")
' Catch saves the Exception to LastException which is a global variable.
' Because of this there is (at the moment) a 'hole' in Basic4Android Exception handling.
' If Exceptions are raised at the same time (admittedly a bit unlikely) on two different threads
' one may not see its own Exception in LastException but may see the one raised on the other thread.
' To mitigate this copy LastException as soon as possible to a local Exception object.
' The Dim for that local object is done at the start of the method to get the copy as close to Catch as possible
Ex = LastException
msg = Ex.StackTraceElement(0)
Msgbox(msg, Ex.Name)
Ex.Initialize("Oops! - No file found.")
End Try
End Sub