Thumb and image


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i have some imageview (background come from internet).
url : mywebsite/thumb/image.jpg

but i want to see them in big size (url : mywebsite/bigSize/image.jpg

Here is the code

Sub img_Click
   Dim iv As ImageView
   iv = Sender
   Dim bd As BitmapDrawable
   bd = iv.Background
   Activity2.bmp = bd.Bitmap
End Sub

How can i do to send in Activity2 the BigSize and not the thumb ?

i try to find with iv the name of the jpg... and after use httputils but i don't have succes to have this name

if i use : iv.bitmap it's not image.jpg but
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Sub ImageUrlDone (Url As String)
   ivs(ImageIndex).Bitmap = HttpUtils.GetBitmap(Url)
   ivs(ImageIndex).Gravity = Gravity.FILL
   ivs(ImageIndex).tag = Url
   ImageIndex = ImageIndex + 1
   'The SuccessfulUrls map holds all the successful links. We are removing this link from the list
   'to avoid dealing with this link again in ImagesJobDone
End Sub

I use the .tag to remember the url

so after i do this :

Sub img_Click
   Dim iv As ImageView
   iv = Sender
   'Remplacement de l'url
   Dim myUrl As String = iv.Tag
   myUrl = myUrl.Replace ("thumb", "images")
   Activity2.bmp = HttpUtils.GetBitmap(myUrl) <==ERROR
   'Dim bd As BitmapDrawable
   'bd = iv.Background
   'Activity2.bmp = bd.Bitmap
End Sub

i know what is the url but i don't have success to load the new image (bigSize) in activity2

it's a black screen, the picture are not load or not load as background

it want a bitmapdrawable and i have a bitmap (HttpUtils.GetBitmap(myUrl))
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I just understand i use httputils instead of httpUtils2

I change all think and now the problem is :

ImagesJobDone return 9 ImageView of Thumbnail(small size)

Sub ImagesJobDone (Job As HttpJob)
   If Job.Success = True Then
      ivs(ImageIndex).Bitmap = Job.GetBitmap
      ivs(ImageIndex).Gravity = Gravity.FILL
   End If
   ImageIndex = ImageIndex + 1
   If ImageIndex = 9 Then
   End If
End Sub

Folder of Thumbnail: /mywebsite/thumb/image1.jpg
Folder of real size : /mywebsite/images/image1.jpg

I need to load real size images when i use Sub img_Click (replace the folder thumb by images in the url so i have to load the new image but i need to know what is the name of the image i have in sender)

Sub img_Click
   Dim iv As ImageView
   iv = Sender
   If iv.Background Is BitmapDrawable Then
      'It will be ColorDrawable when there is no image.
      Dim bd As BitmapDrawable
      bd = iv.Background
      Dim bmp As Bitmap
      bmp = bd.Bitmap
      CallSubDelayed2(Activity2, "ShowImage", bmp)
   End If
End Sub

I think it's more easy to understand my problem now

ivs(ImageIndex).Tag = job. ???????? how can i have the url of the job in imagesJobDone
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Ok i have succes to the end of my job

Have a look :

Sub JobDone(Job As HttpJob)
   Select Job.JobName
      Case "Main page"
      Case "ImageJob"
      Case "realSizeJob"
   End Select
End Sub

Sub realSizeJobDone(Job As HttpJob)
   Dim dBmp As BitmapDrawable
   Dim bmp As Bitmap
   bmp = dBmp.Bitmap
   CallSubDelayed2(Activity2, "ShowImage", bmp)
End Sub

Sub img_Click

   Dim iv As ImageView
   iv = Sender
   Dim tempUrl As String = iv.tag
   tempUrl = tempUrl.Replace("thumb", "images")
   Dim realSizeJob As HttpJob
   realSizeJob.Initialize ("realSizeJob", Me)
'   If iv.Background Is BitmapDrawable Then
'      'It will be ColorDrawable when there is no image.
'      Dim bd As BitmapDrawable
'      bd = iv.Background
'      Dim bmp As Bitmap
'      bmp = bd.Bitmap
'      CallSubDelayed2(Activity2, "ShowImage", bmp)
'   End If
End Sub

My last need is to pass the url of the image in .Tag

Sub ImagesJobDone (Job As HttpJob)
   If Job.Success = True Then
      ivs(ImageIndex).Bitmap = Job.GetBitmap
      ivs(ImageIndex).Gravity = Gravity.FILL
      ivs(ImageIndex).Tag = "http://myWebSite/thumb/image1.jpg"
   End If
   ImageIndex = ImageIndex + 1
   If ImageIndex = 9 Then
   End If
End Sub

i try this :

Dim ImageJob As HttpJob
ImageJob.Initialize("ImageJob", Me)
ImageJob.Download2(m.Group(1), Array As String("tagUrl", m.Group(1)))

but how to retrieve it in ?
ivs(ImageIndex).Tag = Job.?????
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thx i edit the class and all work

thx a lot

sometimes i have this error : how can we debug it cause it's java ?

Sub ImagesJobDone (Job As HttpJob)
Log("Begin : " & ImageIndex )
   If Job.Success = True Then
      ivs(ImageIndex).Bitmap = Job.GetBitmap
      ivs(ImageIndex).Gravity = Gravity.FILL
      ivs(ImageIndex).Tag = Job.myParam
   End If
Log("End : " & ImageIndex )
   ImageIndex = ImageIndex + 1

End Sub

here is the log

As it begin at 0 => 9 doesn't exist

why sometimes it check 9

i resolve with that :

If Job.Success = True and imageIndex <= 8 Then

but i don't understand why 9
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