Time question


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Longtime User
I'm satrting a program to run under win32 (win-xp), wich main goal is to keep track on teh day due to delivery of packag orders...
The user will incert the due date and I want to give the user an alert 2 days past the due date, 2twice a day...everyday untill the package arrives...

the alerts are to be done once in the mornig, say 10am, and once in the afternoon, say 4pm...

I know you'll probabli say to calculate the time beetwhenn date and the count the elapsed time...But it's a corporate enviroment, so the computers are shutdown in the weekend...so the counting would be lost, or inacurate...

Wat I want is a way to compare the system time to a givem time, established by the user, as a variable...



Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks Erel...
Late at Night i found a way to make it work...the time bit that is...
Now with your hint about the date...
I'm on track...
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