Timer Problem


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Longtime User
I'v run into a problem I don't know how to solve.

I have two images which are to be displayed one after the other with both timed.

I've used Select to display the images and start the timer for each depending on the image number. However, the first image never gets displayed. I tried using one timer and, when that didn't work, tried using two timers. But that doesn't work either. It is as if the timer for the first image never reaches the Tick point (5 seconds). How do I resolve this? Thanks.
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Active Member
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Longtime User
Right now, because of what I've tried, the code is rather convoluted --- not to mention I've yet to learn how to insert code into a post (which would be helpful to know).
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Active Member
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Longtime User
Right now, because of what I've tried, the code is rather convoluted --- not to mention I've yet to learn how to insert code into a post (which would be helpful to know).

How to insert code into a post:
When you have your B4A project open, you will find "Export as zip" in the "File" menu. Export your project as a zip file and remember where you put the zip. Then make a new posting here on the forum and below the text input field, you can find a button which you press to attach a zip file (the one you just exported). Then publish your posting. Now registered users can download your project zip and have a look at it.

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