TIN Model


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Hi Agraham

I am using your delauney dll in my surveying program:sign0188:. But now I need your help please.

I can identify a triangle by clicking\tapping inside the triangle. How do I go about deleting the selected triangle from the array?



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Longtime User
Not easily as arrays are fixed sizes in .NET. You need to copy the required array elements to a new array of the required length and re-assign the new arrray to your existing triangle array. This copying is likely to be fairly slow in Basic4ppc as I think your arrays are quite large.

However I have for a while now had an unposted version of my http://www.b4x.com/forum/additional-libraries/2565-byteconverter-library.html#post31631 which can manipulate arrays as byte buffers. I have just posted it so take a look at that. In the archive is BufferDemo.sbp which shows how to remove an entry from a multi-dimensional array. This is likely to be an order of magnitude, if not more, faster than copying individual array elements.