Android Question Tip on app development


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I would like to know your opinion about the development of an app based on webview.
In particular the app has a splashscreen and a main activity with a webview showing a fixed site.
In this way I can update only the site and the app has always fresh contents, moreover I can disibute on B4A, B4i and using B4J on Windows and Mac.
What do you think? I searched on the forum but I don't find info about, can you help me?
Best regards


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Apple dont allow apps that are, in effect, a link to a website
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web apps make a lot of trouble if they are in daily business because of much browsers & versions.
disadvantage of web pages, they are time expensive and cost in development and need much care just at that moment.
you have very limited access to the native os from website.
web apps need a web server hosting and online connection. what happens if the user not have a online connection.
webview seems not having cookies for login.

privat i used/tryed ms visual studio 2017 with web forms (code behind), web api etc & database with my isp and a web hosting contract. (vs 2017 also contains setup for xamarin.)
but i like real desktop apps much more. its more fun in development.

you should first think about what is required urgently in your app, and then choose the tool.

look also for B4X XUI

as MikeH said, nobody need a app that it is just a browser inside.
i know that people use windows universal app with browser component for her html app for xbox one ...
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This is not really an app, it's just a link? Why even call it an app?
To be honest, on my phone, I do not use apps for the popular sites because they pretty much already have decent mobile pages and by using the mobile pages instead of the app, I save considerable amount of battery power (most popular apps run lots of services that drain your battery and steal CPU cycles) and reduce the number of annoying pop ups and notifications.
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