Title shows even settef invisible


Licensed User
Longtime User
I know this has been asked before, but I just couldnt find it...

My project has a set of 4 activities, and the only purpose of the main activity is to decide wich of the other 3 will be launched, so it does NOT have any views or layout...
I have setted for each and every activity, the title to NOT show, and the orientationto be Portrait, as its the only that suites my needs...
All works good BUT...
The title shows for some fractions of a second when starting the app, on the Main activity with the app name, and some times when, returning to main activity by the back button...

I tried to create a blank layout with the title setted to invisible, but didn't work...

It's not a big issue, but does anoy me a bit...
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Should I just copy/paste the code line to it? Or do I beed to add some description/Tag?

I will try it later in the day, Thanks Erel
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