that´s wrong. The .so must be placed inside the JAR and the folder (libs or just lib) need to be present in the JAR already. together with all subdirectories containing the .so-File(s).
Can you suggest me how to do it?
I have try once using command
1. Decompile original jar using, jar -xf thefile.jar.
2. Then create a folder "libs" at the same root
3. Copy the arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a (which contain the .so files) into libs folder.
4. Repack using command jar -cf thenew.jar .
5. Import to b4a code
But still same error occur, maybe i do wrong somewhere?
After decompile, it make 4 other folder that contain alot of .class file, should i put the libs folder and the .so file in those folder?