Can anybody explain this strange behaviour.
I am saving a record for a database I use
When i paused on this line it shows that toggleSound.Checked = true
Yet when I read the field from database I get an error because the field = 1 Which cannot parse to true or false.
I know I can parse it myself but why does it show as true/false in ide on pause yet save in database as 1/0.
Database field is a BOOL btw
Can anybody explain this strange behaviour.
I am saving a record for a database I use
Record.Put("sound", toggleSound.Checked)
When i paused on this line it shows that toggleSound.Checked = true
Yet when I read the field from database I get an error because the field = 1 Which cannot parse to true or false.
I know I can parse it myself but why does it show as true/false in ide on pause yet save in database as 1/0.
Database field is a BOOL btw