Toggle button .checked = true


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Can anybody explain this strange behaviour.

I am saving a record for a database I use

Record.Put("sound", toggleSound.Checked)

When i paused on this line it shows that toggleSound.Checked = true

Yet when I read the field from database I get an error because the field = 1 Which cannot parse to true or false.

I know I can parse it myself but why does it show as true/false in ide on pause yet save in database as 1/0.

Database field is a BOOL btw



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Ah, I see. Never noticed that. Sure I have manually set true / false before and worked ok. Though I can't have if it doesn't support it. Lol

Guess its time for my int2bool lib to make an appearance.

Thanks for reply

Sent from my HTC Desire Z
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OK, done a little more investigating and found this...

if I wrap the true/false in ' ' it will save as true false. If I don't it saves as 0 / 1.

Does this mean that even though it type is set to Bool (in SQLManager) it is saving as text?
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Does this mean that even though it type is set to Bool (in SQLManager) it is saving as text?

See Sqlite documentation here:
Datatypes In SQLite Version 3

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OK, I had this working and for some reason now it's not and I cannot get it right again.

I'm trying to save the state of a toggle button in a sqlite db and later read / update it also.

what would be the best way of doing this?
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I personally save true/false in an Sqlite db as numerical value:
False = 0
True = 1 (or any nonzero value. Some languages also assign -1 to True).

If value = 0 Then
  toggleSound.Checked = false
  toggleSound.Checked = true
End if

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Ok going to try that, see if things settle down.
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