Wish Tool to update to the latest libraries


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+1 and I'd like to add that the IDE should "listen" for file change event's in the "library" folder and auto refresh the IDE's libraries. For example if I recompile a library I use in several projects, the IDE should auto fresh it for me.


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I'm not a library developer but is there a way in the library to trigger some kind of event that checks if there's a new version available? I know in VB/Delphi you could have a context menu that would be able to do something. Other than that maybe a push service could be setup or integrated with the forum such that a library poster could trigger a push to all subscribers, similar to "alerts"? A less than elegant solution is to just click "watch thread"


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This question pops up all the time, the author of B4A has mentioned that there are no plans to implement such feature: read HERE and HERE or search the forums for other replies.
No, Erel was saying maybe in the future. So I thought If more people like it he will do this?


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Hi @Erel , it is possible to get the HOLE (or in selectable parts) Thread as RSS-feed? With such a RSS it should be no problem to write such an "Autoupdater" or whatever name it should have ;-)

I have tried to extend a url to a thread with "index.rss" but


seems to not work Maybe it IS possible? And Maybe on a request you can say how many items you want to show
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+1 for update library, just remainder, small badge ...


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it is possible to get the HOLE (or in selectable parts) Thread as RSS-feed?
No. Only the last messages return.

This question pops up all the time, the author of B4A has mentioned that there are no plans to implement such feature: read HERE and HERE or search the forums for other replies.
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