iOS Question Toolbar button blink with black background

dZouL IT

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Everyone,

Just want to ask regarding Toobar bar button on Erel's Coordinate Calc app. Everytime I go to next page or hit a back button to go back to main screen, there is a black background button appeared or blink. It is normal or it just on my phone?

It also same when I test Klaus's iSQLiteLight3 app.

Is it a way to disable this 'black background' from appeared?

dZouL IT

Licensed User
Longtime User
I'm already with the latest online version. When I hit 'Realtime' bar button, there are black background for SMS and Email button appear for a split second while loading the page.

Attached is a capture of screen when I touch back button. During transition to open the main page, it will 'blink' the bar button with black background.


  • blackbg.jpg
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