B4A Library Tooleap Library - Floating notifications and miniApps


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They're just mistaken it to be incorporated, I giggled a bit upon reading that part since we all know it is included. By any chance are you the developer of that app?


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Hi thedesolatesoul,

I tested it a few times and most of the times it does not really work. The floating icons always works but when clicking on it most of the times it shows a load screen and nothing happens. Initially (the first time) it works and shows my layout but after that I always get the load screen.

This happens also with your demo project.

Any suggestions? I'm running a MOTO G.


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Are you using b4a 3.80? This will happen on older versions.


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I'm using 3.80 BETA 1.
Best to use 3.80 final. I dont think the fix went into Beta 1.
The issue was in the code generated by B4A in onNewIntent.
An alternate, is to call Activity.Finish in activity_pause but that will never let you resume your activity, it is ok for simple things, not recommended.


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Hello all,

In first, thank you TDS for this new library, it's nice to see B4A progressing each day.
And don't be de-motivated, you are someone who give many time and many improvement at my idea.
Respect for your job.

@ Danny, hello,

Could we use the sdk for a free app like independants even if we have also applications not free but without Tooleap sdk used inside ?
I mean how you plan to do the difference between independants and companies ?
Just for know if you have already think about it, thanks for reply.

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Hi Laurent,

Sorry for the late reply.
Yes, you can use the sdk as an independent.
Regarding the difference, we still in the process of finalizing it, and we'll notify you as soon as we know.

Note that even if you want the sdk for your company you can still contact us, and we'll see if we can help.




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Thank you for the informations.

Cheers, Laurent


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Hi all
Exist one method that "show" miniapp. To explain better... i have this:

and when click about this i have "show" miniapp.
Now the question is ...exist one method to Show in automatic without clickabout icon. ???
Thank you


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Pity because is good mode to call another Activity ( in your guide you say: Do not use Dialogs. This means MsgBox/InputList/CustomDialogs/BetterDialogs etc. ).
Now i resolve in this mode ( look movie ):

But is important that when finish "comeback" about miniapp.
Maybe with Intent ??
do you have another idea ?
Thank you again


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I see your point.
In fact I did it the same way as you did for my RemoteChromeCast app. because the dialog must be shown and it is outside my app.
I am not infront of my chromecast so i cannot test it, but i call activity.finish after it connects, now i cannot remember if it falls back to the open tooleap activity or it is closed.
At the moment I do not see a solution, maybe @Tooleap /Danny can comment, as I remember he said they are implementing dialogs support.


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Hi thedesolatesoul now response me Arik. Send me soon the preview version that support Dialog. As i
receive this preview version i send you ...so we have new library.
It is ok for you ?
Thank you again


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Sure, make sure you ask him if you are allowed to send it to me.

i send this mail
Thank you Arik . I wait this preview version so with thedesolatesoul have very soon new library for B4A.
I wait
Again Thank you and see late soon
so i think that send also you..but anyway if i receive send you in "real time"
Thank you thedesolatesoul and good evening
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