Android Question Translating an old app to B4XPages: MsgBox fails to close


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One of my routines in the main B4XPage contains this code, which worked fine when it was part of an Activity::

        Msgbox2Async ("Sorry - could not find the MusicBase database file." & CRLF & _
            File.Combine(cmTMM.gsDBPath,cmTMM.gsDBFileName) & _
            " Do you want to change the configuration settings," & CRLF & _
            "or Exit Music Machine?","Music Machine Database", _
            "Configure",cmTMM.NULLSTRING,"Exit",cmTMM.gbmpLogo36x36, False)
        Wait For MsgBox_Result (iResult As Int)
        If iResult = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
            ' Return to the settings file
            B4XPages.ShowPage ("B4XPTMM_PreferencesID")
        End If

Now, when I click on the "Configure" button, it switches to the "B4XPTMM_PreferencesID" page as desired - BUT the message box remains on the screen.
Hitting the "Exit" button closes it.


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I feel like a redraw (invalidate) might be needed - but what would I invlidate?
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