After reading an old thread hoping to find an answer, I am reposting a new one.
I want a black background. I have set the activity and panel backgrounds to black. 000000h RGB(0,0,0). I have a button on panel0 that also has a black background 000000h RGB(0,0,0) with white wruting FFFFFFh RGB(255,255,255) that shows a connection status and if pressed closes the network socket, reioebs ut and starts the transactions over again.
After this is complete, I show panel1, background 000000h RGB(0,0,0), lavel views and text views 000000h RGB(0,0,0) backgrounds and white foregrounds FFFFFFh RGB(255,255,255).
Problem: within the background where ther are no objects, you cannot see the first p[anel or the label, but you can still press it.
I have even disabled the label, the panel, moved it out of the way and it still occurs.
So the question is, what colour setting is translated to transparent so I can change the colour settings for the panel background?