it sounds like you are unaware that you can control the clipboard by code.
are you using the clipboard library? if there is text in the clipboard, you
can insert it anywhere you like. you are not limited to android's
clipboard functions (copy, paste).
what more do you need?
Thanks for your response!
Of course, I am using the normal Clipboard lib in order to handle the clipboard and its text (if there is text).
- this checks if there is text
- this provides the text into a string
- this sets the text into the clipboard
- and this clears the clipboard
But unfortunately this doesn't answer my question.
In example, the MS Windows OS allows me to get the current windows handle of a text field from another app in order to set text into it from another windows app. And that's exactly what I need.
Please imagine: You have set text into the clipboard with your own Android app. Then you start another app with a text field and you want to insert the clipboard text into this "foreign" text input field ... but this insertion should be triggered by your own app. That's what I want to do.
I hope this is moire clear now.
Thanks again for your help.