Android Question Try.. Catch.. End Try


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Under Process_Globals & Globals subs can you put 'try.. catch.. end try' in them or will that create errors?

While testing this on my phone with the try.. catch.. end try in the Process_Globals & Globals it works fine, but just wondering if I should be using it there or is it only to be used in other subs?


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I understand that I shouldn't include any real code in those 2 subs.
I don't have any code other than declarations but on my phone its fine, but people have sent crash reports that was created from something in my Process_Globals sub.

I thought I could be smart and include the try.. catch.. end try in this sub so if any errors occurs it won't crash the app and it will just continue running like normal.

I am only dimming things in that sub (no actual code).
I will remove the try.. catch.. end try from that sub and re-submit the app to Google play and see if the error happens.
I think last time I submitted the app, and then did some changes to it and then the crash report come through and couldn't work out where in my code the error was.

I seem to keep getting 1 person submitting a crash report for every version I submit and can't work out who it is and can't work out why this error keeps happening as its working fine on my 4 Android Devices.
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Well if you have the stack trace its possible to work out the error, or even google it.
I do remember something about a Process_Global crash that happened due to some other reason, but cant exactly remember.
Does that person submit his device? Maybe it is a particular device that the problem is on.
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