I have moved on from having a loop to using timer.
The program runs as a continuous loop, calculating, drawing, invalidating then displaying. Repeat ad infinitum.
Using timer tick I must specify a time. I cannot predict how long a cycle will take and it will probably vary.
It works but it works whatever time I specify!
Can I forget a timer and just have a loop that runs forever or will I be unable to process screen touches etc.
I guess my problem is that I cannot mentally relate the time element to anything.
Any help please
The program runs as a continuous loop, calculating, drawing, invalidating then displaying. Repeat ad infinitum.
Using timer tick I must specify a time. I cannot predict how long a cycle will take and it will probably vary.
It works but it works whatever time I specify!
Can I forget a timer and just have a loop that runs forever or will I be unable to process screen touches etc.
I guess my problem is that I cannot mentally relate the time element to anything.
Any help please