I am trying to work out how to send a UDP message which contains binary 5 bytes and get the reply.
The device I am sending the message to is on the local network.
I have been told:
Use UDP to send the binary 5 bytes 0x007FFFFFFF to destination port 12345. The 7FFFFFFF is a mask for what you want returned.
I am currently trying to get it working in B4J for testing, but eventually I am planning to do this in B4A/B4i as well.
I have tired the following, but I am guessing I am doing it wrong as it doesn't return anything.
Anyone know how to do this, and where I have gone wrong ?
I am trying to work out how to send a UDP message which contains binary 5 bytes and get the reply.
The device I am sending the message to is on the local network.
I have been told:
Use UDP to send the binary 5 bytes 0x007FFFFFFF to destination port 12345. The 7FFFFFFF is a mask for what you want returned.
I am currently trying to get it working in B4J for testing, but eventually I am planning to do this in B4A/B4i as well.
I have tired the following, but I am guessing I am doing it wrong as it doesn't return anything.
Anyone know how to do this, and where I have gone wrong ?
Sub Process_Globals
Dim UDP_Listen As UDPSocket 'jnetwork lib
Dim Packet1 As UDPPacket 'jnetwork lib
Dim data() As Byte
End Sub
Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
End Sub
Sub RunMe
Dim msg As String = "0x007FFFFFFF"
data = msg.GetBytes("UTF8")
Packet1.Initialize(data, "", 12345)
End Sub
Sub UDP_Listen_PacketArrived (Packet As UDPPacket)
Dim msg1 As String
msg1 = BytesToString(Packet.Data, Packet.Offset, Packet.Length, "UTF8")
End Sub