UDP Over 3G Network


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Hello, I am trying to establish an UDP link between a Samsung cellphone over the Tracfone network to a controller (not a PC) that is behind my router. I am using the Network library and have been able to get a link with WiFi on the local network. I then tried to go over the external network. I have a static IP address and have port forwarding setup on the router. I haven't been able to get the external network connection to work (I shut off wifi on the phone first). Can the network library be used for communication over the external network? If it does, how does it know when to use Wifi and when to use the external network? I don't know if this is even possible since it seems like most carriers block a lot of traffic. I could also switch to use TCP or even http if those would work better. One other thing I noticed, I set the UDP port in code but it seems to be using a range of ports from the phone to the controller over wifi. Can the port be set to just one value? Thanks.

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