I have observed that B4A does not receive UDP packet unless and until sent sub is not executed. Please refer both codes, for UDP packet reception & UDP packet sending.
My question is...Is there any way to receive UDP packet without initializing UDP_Send sub?
Code UDP packet sending
Code UDP packet Receiving
My question is...Is there any way to receive UDP packet without initializing UDP_Send sub?
Code UDP packet sending
Sub UDP_Send (Str As String, remoteIP As String)
Dim Data() As Byte
UDPSkt.Initialize("UDP", 4211, 255)
UDPPkt.Initialize(Data, remoteIP, 4210)
End Sub
Code UDP packet Receiving
Sub UDP_PacketArrived (Pkt As UDPPacket)
UDPRcvMsg = BytesToString(Pkt.Data, Pkt.Offset, Pkt.Length,"UTF8")
End Sub