iOS Question UDP sending error data in Release mode


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Hi everyone, i'm trying to use UDP to send packets, but i'm getting some errors.
I tried this code on an iPhoneXR and it works in debug and also in release(last os version)... i tried the same code on an iPhone6 but when it is in release it doesn't work

I need to send a packet, and then wait for the "OK" answer, if the "OK" doens't arrive OR the timer ticks, it send again a packet with the same data.
On iPhone6 it stays stuck on packet "0".

Private Sub Application_Start (Nav As NavigationController)
    'SetDebugAutoFlushLogs(True) 'Uncomment if program crashes before all logs are printed.
    NavControl = Nav
    Page1.Title = "Page 1"
    tmr.Initialize("tmr", 1000)
    'UDPSocket1.Initialize("UDP", 0, 2048)
End Sub

Sub UDP_PacketArrived(Packet As UDPPacket)
    Dim msg As String
    msg = BytesToString(Packet.Data, Packet.Offset, Packet.Length, "UTF8")
    TextView1.Text = msg & CRLF & TextView1.Text
    If msg == "OK" Then
        res = "OK"
    End If
End Sub

Sub Button1_LongClick
    hud1.ToastMessageShow("Test invio pacchetti inziato", False)
    Dim i As Int = 0
    Dim l As Int = 0
    Dim t As Long = DateTime.Now
    TextView1.Text = ""
    Do While (i <= 99) And (tmr.Enabled == False)
        TextView1.Text = i & CRLF & TextView1.Text
        If UDPSocket1.IsInitialized Then UDPSocket1.Close
        UDPSocket1.Initialize("UDP", 0, 2048)
        Dim Packet As UDPPacket
        Dim data() As Byte
        Dim convstring As String = $"${i}"$
        data = convstring.GetBytes("UTF8")
        Packet.Initialize(data, "--.---.--.---", 12000)
        res = ""
        tmr.Enabled = True
        Do While (tmr.Enabled == True) And (res == "")
        If res == "OK" Then
        End If
        tmr.Enabled = False
    Msgbox("Pacchetti inviati:"&i&CRLF&"Pacchetti persi: "&l&CRLF&"Tempo impiegato: "&DateTime.GetSecond(DateTime.Now - t)&"sec", "Resoconto")
End Sub

Sub tmr_Tick
    tmr.Enabled = False
End Sub

Sub Page1_Click
End Sub

Thanks in advance!


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If UDPSocket1.IsInitialized Then UDPSocket1.Close Sleep(400) UDPSocket1.Initialize("UDP", 0, 2048)
Why are you doing this inside the loop? Actually, create the UDPSocket1 in Application_Start and then check before the loop if it is Initialized. If it is NOT initialized, then create (DIM) a new UDPSocket, initialize it and then assign it to UDPSocket1.
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I did like this because i noticed that if I initialize only one time the UDPsocket1 , the event “packet_received” fires only ONE time, even if i receive multiple packets.

i send 10 udp packets from my server to the app, the event “packet_received” fires only for the first packet, the other 9 are lost.

so i decided to initialize It everytime i have to send something , so i can listen for an answer from the server
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This is not needed and a mistake.
I know its a mistake initialize the udpsocket every time, but if i don't do like so, I'm not able to receive more than one packet, the "Packet_Received" sub fire only for the first one... is the only way I founded to get the sub work multiple time, but now is getting other errors... I don't understand what I've to do to get all the udp functions working
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The complete code should be deleted. Nothing good will come out of it.

Start with a simple code that logs the incoming message and also don't set the port number to 0. If it is not working then post it.
I started from the one in the B4X Guide, i can try again to spot the problem before and make a new post
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