Share My Creation Ultimate Inventory & POS System B4J Web App : Source code For Sale


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I login and in half a second I am kicked out. Tested on my iPhone Chrome browser.
Hello Dear,

Because of 2 reasons :
1- This is a demo
2- We are changing the servers to a newer and better ones so our sites will disconnect a lot today, we have published a status yesterday about this in our profile

Thank you,


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let's try! ?

great work!!

PD: I would like the database to be mysql
Hello Dear,

Thank you very much for your purchase.

The Database is built using MSSQL so you will have to use MySQL workbench to convert it to MySQL.

Thank you,


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Hello Saif,

Do you have a full working demo for this?

My daughter works for a large truck parts multi warehouse / distribution / store sales company.
She - her co-workers and local managers complain daily about the frustration and failure of their current software management system.
They have asked me to contact the company owner and present my professional services.
Rather than starting from scratch writing an inventory mgmt and POS system in B4J, this "looks like" a great foundation to start from....

PM me if you so desire.


Colin Evans

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Hi Saif, just going to have a look at the source code for this project but can't find a help pdf, could you remind me of the web address to start the app and the username and password that's contained in the database, many thanks.

Also below is a list of all the source codes I have purchased, could you do the same for all of them if you can


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Hello Dear,

1-Usually the B4J Web Apps URL is :

But that depends on the project and if the URL was changed

2-As for the database passwords, that also depends on the project and if the username and passwords were changed.

Contact us via email and we will set a remote connection support session, we will show you how to view/change the system passwords in the MS SQL

Thank you,


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Unfortunately no.
It's developed using B4J Web App (jServer).

Thank you,
From my experience, it could be written / transformed into an ABM app.
It is the business logic that I am interested in and will likely re-write for ABM.

Colin Evans

Active Member
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Hi Saif, I used Azure Data Studio and ran the following

SELECT * from dbo.UsersInformation

Which gave me all I wanted, thanks
Dear Saif Sameer,

I am looking you contact no as soon as possible. - please reply.

Susantha Adikari


New Member
supports ( albanian_sq ) language
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