Hi Everyone,
I started to experiment with the best ListView. The UltimateListView and took the tutorial MyfirstList2 which displays pictures and a label in the ListView. I added code from the sample app called DragAndDrop_Demo that allows the user to use a long click and internally drag the items in the ListView. When the user releases the finger on the item the ListView re-sorts showing the new position of the item.
For all of you who have been using the UltimateListView, can you look at my code and let me know what additional coding I'm missing to get the items in the ListView to re-sort when taking my finger off the screen?
I already have a message box in the ULV_Dropped sub routine so I do know the dragging and dropping is working. I just need to get the list to re-sort.
I started to experiment with the best ListView. The UltimateListView and took the tutorial MyfirstList2 which displays pictures and a label in the ListView. I added code from the sample app called DragAndDrop_Demo that allows the user to use a long click and internally drag the items in the ListView. When the user releases the finger on the item the ListView re-sorts showing the new position of the item.
For all of you who have been using the UltimateListView, can you look at my code and let me know what additional coding I'm missing to get the items in the ListView to re-sort when taking my finger off the screen?
I already have a message box in the ULV_Dropped sub routine so I do know the dragging and dropping is working. I just need to get the list to re-sort.
#Region Module Attributes
#FullScreen: False
#IncludeTitle: True
#ApplicationLabel: My first list
#VersionCode: 1
#SupportedOrientations: unspecified
#CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
End Sub
Sub Globals
Dim ULV As UltimateListView
Dim Fruits As Map
Dim ItemHeight As Int = 60dip
' Dragging and droping.
Dim DraggedID As Long = -1
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
'Creates a map of fruits (key = name, value = image)
Fruits.Put("Apple", LoadBitmapSample(File.DirAssets, "apple.png", 50dip, 50dip))
Fruits.Put("Banana", LoadBitmapSample(File.DirAssets, "banana.png", 50dip, 50dip))
Fruits.Put("Cherry", LoadBitmapSample(File.DirAssets, "cherry.png", 50dip, 50dip))
Fruits.Put("Coconut", LoadBitmapSample(File.DirAssets, "coconut.png", 50dip, 50dip))
Fruits.Put("Grapes", LoadBitmapSample(File.DirAssets, "grapes.png", 50dip, 50dip))
Fruits.Put("Lemon", LoadBitmapSample(File.DirAssets, "lemon.png", 50dip, 50dip))
Fruits.Put("Mango", LoadBitmapSample(File.DirAssets, "mango.png", 50dip, 50dip))
Fruits.Put("Melon", LoadBitmapSample(File.DirAssets, "melon.png", 50dip, 50dip))
Fruits.Put("Orange", LoadBitmapSample(File.DirAssets, "orange.png", 50dip, 50dip))
Fruits.Put("Pear", LoadBitmapSample(File.DirAssets, "pear.png", 50dip, 50dip))
Fruits.Put("Pineapple", LoadBitmapSample(File.DirAssets, "pineapple.png", 50dip, 50dip))
Fruits.Put("Strawberry", LoadBitmapSample(File.DirAssets, "strawberry.png", 50dip, 50dip))
'Adds an ULV to the activity
ULV.Initialize(0, 0, "", "ULV")
ULV.Color = Colors.White
ULV.ScrollingSpeedWhenDragged = 8 ' Dragging.
Activity.AddView(ULV, 0, 0, 100%x, 100%y)
'Changes the pressed drawable of the ULV (the background of the clicked item will be green)
Dim cd As ColorDrawable
cd.Initialize(Colors.Green, 16dip)
ULV.PressedDrawable = cd
'Creates a layout to display the fruit name and the fruit image
ULV.AddLayout("FRUIT", "Item_LayoutCreator", "Item_ContentFiller", ItemHeight, True)
'Builds the items list
ULV.BulkAddItems(Fruits.Size, "FRUIT", 0)
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause(UserClosed As Boolean)
'Cancels any drag in progress
If ULV.IsDragStarted Then
ULV.CancelDrag: DoEvents
End If
End Sub
Sub Item_LayoutCreator(LayoutName As String, LayoutPanel As Panel)
'Very simple layout: just a Label and an ImageView
End Sub
Sub Item_ContentFiller(ItemID As Long, LayoutName As String, LayoutPanel As Panel, Position As Int)
'Sets the background color (the dragged item has a darker background)
If DraggedID = ItemID Then
LayoutPanel.Color = Colors.ARGB(40, 0, 0, 0)
LayoutPanel.Color = Colors.Transparent
End If
'Sets the text of the label (fruit name)
Dim lbl As Label = LayoutPanel.GetView(0) 'First view in the panel
lbl.Text = Fruits.GetKeyAt(Position)
'Sets the bitmap of the ImageView (fruit image)
Dim IV As ImageView = LayoutPanel.GetView(1) 'Second view in the panel
IV.Bitmap = Fruits.GetValueAt(Position)
End Sub
Sub ULV_ItemClick(ItemID As Long, Position As Int, ClickedPanel As Panel)
'Shows a MsgBox with the clicked fruit
Msgbox(Fruits.GetKeyAt(Position), "Click")
End Sub
Sub ULV_ItemLongClick(ItemID As Long, Position As Int, ClickedPanel As Panel)
'Changes the background color of the dragged item (cf. Item_ContentFiller)
DraggedID = ItemID
'Changes the background color of the overlay
ClickedPanel.Color = Colors.ARGB(220, 51, 181, 229) 'Holo blue
'Starts the drag & drop operation
ULV.StartDrag(Position, True, Null)
End Sub
Sub ULV_Dropped(DropView As View, StartPosition As Int, DropPosition As Int)
'Restores the background color (cf. Item_ContentFiller)
DraggedID = -1
Msgbox("Dropped: from " & StartPosition & " to " & DropPosition, "Message")
End Sub