Android Question Uncaught translation error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Lcom/ortiz/touch/TouchImageView;


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I am installing B4A on another computer before the one it is used on fails.

When I transfer the B4A setup and Android and Java, as far as I can tell, exactly as it is on the source computer I get a series of compile errors
in an app that compiles fine on the source computer. The errors a specifically wrt the JSTouchImageView library.
(The project references about 25 other libraries without a problem)

"Compiling generated Java code. (0.00s)
Convert byte code - optimized dex. Error
Uncaught translation error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Lcom/ortiz/touch/TouchImageView;"

There are a serires of uncaught translation error lines all referencing to the JSTouchimageview library.
If I remove the library and comment out any references to it within the relevant activity, it compiles fine.

I also get the error if I start a new project and add the library and use it.

Does anyone have a suggestion as to what is causing this error on the new computer?

Thanks guys


Licensed User
Longtime User
Yes it does use androidX. I ran the Jetifier and all sorted now.

Thanks for that. Worked a charm!!

As I copied the whole B4A setup including all the libraries from the source computer installation I expected it to all work exactly as it did there. I did install that library from the site but only after the errors showed up. Any way doesn't matter as long as it works!! Thanks again.
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