Sub Class_Globals
Private stack As List
Private ser As B4XSerializator
Private index As Int
Private const MAX_STACK_SIZE As Int = 100
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize (InitialState As Object)
index = -1
End Sub
Public Sub AddState (state As Object)
Dim b() As Byte = ser.ConvertObjectToBytes(state)
If DifferentThanPrevState(b) Then
If index < stack.Size - 1 Then
For i = stack.Size - 1 To index + 1 Step - 1
End If
If stack.Size >= MAX_STACK_SIZE Then
End If
index = stack.Size - 1
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Undo As Object
If index > 0 Then index = index - 1
Return ser.ConvertBytesToObject(stack.Get(index))
End Sub
Public Sub Redo As Object
If index < stack.Size - 1 Then
index = index + 1
Return ser.ConvertBytesToObject(stack.Get(index))
End If
Return Null
End Sub
Private Sub DifferentThanPrevState(b() As Byte) As Boolean
If index = -1 Then Return True
Dim prev() As Byte = stack.Get(index)
Return Not(CompareArrays(prev, b))
End Sub
Private Sub CompareArrays(a1() As Byte, a2() As Byte) As Boolean
If a1.Length <> a2.Length Then Return False
For i = 0 To a1.Length - 1
If a1(i) <> a2(i) Then Return False
Return True
End Sub